Can tech make you fitter?

Over the past couple of years, there have been some great developments when it comes to fitness tracking technology. But do devices, such as Fitbit, Kardia Band, and Apple Watch, actually help us to become

Best financial jobs to have

The best things in life might be free but you still need money to survive, right? Following a career in finance isn’t always about money, although you’ll be working with money as a finance professional.

HP Sprocket the party printer

So a few weeks ago the HP Sprocket arrived on my desk and I was quite excited. I really wanted to compare it with the Polaroid camera that we had reviewed last month. We quite liked

How to get into eSports

Competitive gaming has, for a while, been making its mark in South Africa. However, there is still very little information about it in our mainstream media. This can make it difficult for those who are

Dress to impress at your interview

Give yourself a pat on the back. After all, you did it. You got that call that you have a job interview coming up, and a long stressful preparation lies ahead of you. “What do

How to get through a Monday

Mondays are the worst. You have just come from a weekend and now you have to prepare yourself for another long week. This can make it difficult to get anything done right. However, if you

How to improve your eating habits

Diets don’t always work. You’ll start off well and stick to it for the first couple of days, but then the stress builds up and you find yourself binge eating some ice cream. If you

How to organise your life

Between work, studies and everything else it can be difficult to find time to do anything at all. Rather than getting stressed about it, you should look at ways in which you can organise your