6 ways to ace your exams

Your study habits could either improve your marks or cause you to perform dismally. Poor study methods lead to caffeine-loaded all night cram sessions. Whether you’re enrolled in a human resource course or an accounting

5 Reasons you should study abroad

If you have the opportunity to study abroad, you should grab it with both hands. It’ll be one unforgettable experience that’ll change your outlook on life. The months you spend there will be one big

4 mistakes every young professional makes

Everybody has to start somewhere. And that place is usually at the bottom. No matter what industry you’re in or what you’ve studied, your career is going to begin on the lowest rung of the

Car safety tips for students

You may be rushing off to class because you’re late for a lecture or an exam. Whatever the reason may be, precaution and safety should come first. You need to check your surroundings and be

6 Benefits of working out

As a student you are faced with countless challenges each and every day. Your life is jam-packed with assignments that are due and tests that are all crammed into one week. And you still have

Is a career as a dietitian for you?

Dietetics, the field of nutrition, health and the application of science-based nutrition knowledge offers a variety of distinctive career opportunities that goes beyond the usual view of the dietitian as someone who simply helps others

Why you need a car at varsity

Having a car at varsity can help you in many situations and can make your life easier. Uber can cost a fortune and using them regularly can mess with your student budget. And always relying

What you should know about studying abroad

Travelling is always exciting. There is nothing more exhilarating than embarking on a new journey. Exploring a new place helps you gain insight into foreign customs, language and exotic cuisine. Travelling also gives you a