With the imminent release of results for public and private higher education institutions this week, many students will have to address the disappointing reality that they did not do as well as hoped. For some,

Managing your finances as an intern

Not all interns get paid, but those who do will most likely not end up with a huge sum of money. Getting your foot in the door by at least one company is the best

Mile-high multi-taskers

Assumptions can be misleading, perhaps no more so than when the seatbelt signs go out and you settle back, accept a glass of chilled champagne and wonder how long it will take for dinner to

How to look like you own nice things

Being a student means being in a permanent state of broke. Textbooks, fees and supplies tend to drain your bank account every month. And it doesn’t help that working full-time and studying full-time is almost

Advice on moving in with friends

Moving out of your parents’ home and into a house with friends is always exciting. You can’t wait to live with your favourite people. You won’t need to worry about travelling to visit them because