What you need to know before moving out

Leaving home for the first time can be exciting and scary (and home includes your student accommodation paid for by your parents). You’re excited to gain some independence but scared for the world of responsibility

Dress to impress at your interview

Give yourself a pat on the back. After all, you did it. You got that call that you have a job interview coming up, and a long stressful preparation lies ahead of you. “What do

How to get through a Monday

Mondays are the worst. You have just come from a weekend and now you have to prepare yourself for another long week. This can make it difficult to get anything done right. However, if you

How to improve your eating habits

Diets don’t always work. You’ll start off well and stick to it for the first couple of days, but then the stress builds up and you find yourself binge eating some ice cream. If you

How to organise your life

Between work, studies and everything else it can be difficult to find time to do anything at all. Rather than getting stressed about it, you should look at ways in which you can organise your

How to let go of toxic friends

Having healthy friendships is a great thing, but what do you do with those “friends” that aren’t great to begin with? That rather than lifting you up, they live to tear you down and to

4 ways to boost your self-esteem

Self-esteem is about appreciating you for who you are – the good and the bad. If you want to improve your self-esteem, then you have to change the way that you think and feel about

Do women find circumcised men sexier?

There has always been a debate amongst men and women as to what is preferred: circumcised or uncircumcised? There is a growing body of evidence worldwide, which suggests that women prefer to have sex with

5 ways to de-stress right now

Whether it’s from your studies or work, stress has a way of creeping up on you. But being constantly stressed isn’t good for your health. Rather than letting your stress levels build up, here are