Why you need a car at varsity

Having a car at varsity can help you in many situations and can make your life easier. Uber can cost a fortune and using them regularly can mess with your student budget. And always relying

What you should know about studying abroad

Travelling is always exciting. There is nothing more exhilarating than embarking on a new journey. Exploring a new place helps you gain insight into foreign customs, language and exotic cuisine. Travelling also gives you a

Secrets of a fun road trip

There is nothing quite like a hot summer day spent travelling with friends, with the wind blowing in your hair without a care in the world. Nothing can quite satisfy the wanderlust in us quite

First job starter pack

Congratulations you finally have your first job! You’ve made it in life. Wrong. There are many mistakes that people starting out on their first job make. They pay little attention to their budget and end

What every first year needs to know

They say the best years of our lives happen at university. And it could be true for some, but not others. Let’s face it, when you’re at varsity you don’t have much responsibility, except for

What to look for in student housing

You’ve just been accepted to the university of your dreams. The only thing that’s left now is deciding where to live. There are a few options you can choose from, depending on the type of

Life hacks for saving as a student

Saving money in today’s economy is a challenge. Saving money as a student can feel completely impossible. And as a student you’re expected to behave like an adult in so many ways that you may