How to support a friend with a mental illness

In South Africa, there is still a negative stigma associated with mental health disorders. Whether it’s depression or anxiety, people are often quick to make assumptions and to make comments such as, “get over it.”

Myths about Depression

How offend have you heard someone say that they depressed? Or that they feeling depressed? Even better how offend have you heard someone say that depression isn’t an illness, or that real men don’t get

Seven cheap cars for students

Being a student usually means having to work a few jobs to afford the student lifestyle you wish to have. With university and college just a few months away, sitting without a car isn’t always

How to Save Money over the Festive Season

Summer is in full swing, exams are over and that can only mean one thing #keDezembaboss! Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that December is the month to party like a rock star, eat like

What is self-love all about?

Before you are in a relationship with anyone else, you are first in a relationship with yourself. This means that you not only need to take care of yourself but that you also need to

Four big decisions you make in your twenties

When you hit your twenties everything changes. It’s an unfortunate side-effect of growing up and there’s nothing you can do about it. You’re an adult now. Sorry about that. And the thing about being an

Traits You Need To Be a Great Leader

1. Have communicate skills Effective communication helps keep the team working on the right projects with the right attitude. If you communicate effectively about expectations, issues and advice, your staff will be more likely to