International Student Success Stories Part II

Every year more than a million international students spend time in the U.S studying at American Universities. When they arrive they face a number of challenges, from securing international student loans to language barriers. Sometimes

Preparing your budget for unexpected expenses

Unexpected events (expenses) such as illness or retrenchment can have a long-lasting impact on you and your family’s financial wellbeing. To help people prepare for life’s financial setbacks is one of the main reasons why

Graduates in high demand

Companies are increasingly appointing Hospitality Management graduates to senior positions outside of their ‘traditional’ roles, because of the tremendous breadth of transferable skills gained during their studies and practical training – particularly their ability to

Do’s and Don’ts on a First Date

I’m no relationship expert, love doctor or guru who is responsible for 50 happy couples. To be honest, I don’t even set up my friends. But I do want to share some insightful first date

How to get in gear for your first job search

Your first job search after graduation can be both exciting and terrifying, particularly in South Africa where many qualified people compete for a limited number of vacancies. But the experience can be made much more