Time Management Top Tips for Students

Even though we all have the same 24 hours in a day, some people manage their time much more effectively than others. While motivation plays an important role in this process, having good time management

20 Good Questions to Ask in an Interview

So you have managed to land a job interview and just before they end the session they hit you with “Do you have any questions?” Instead of you saying no, here are some questions that

Six ways to reach your financial resolution

It’s almost the end of “Januworry” – the month of festive season overspending recovery and the pressure of New Year’s resolutions – many of them financial. But setting financial resolutions is a proven way to

4 Quick Money Send Options

Ever been in desperate need for cash, like now!!! Let us spice it up, you are miles from home and its time for registration and it is closing the next day. What do you do?

5 Apps Every Student Needs

With smartphones and devices always by our side, why not use them to make your student life easier? Here are the 5 apps every student needs: 1. Uber/Taxify These apps are good for getting around

Preparing your budget for unexpected expenses

Unexpected events (expenses) such as a loss of income due to illness or retrenchment can have a long-lasting impact on you and your family’s financial wellbeing. For example, if the breadwinner is retrenched or a

The Key Pros and Cons of Video Learning

It can be difficult to keep children engaged as a teacher. Whether it’s a large classroom setting or tutoring one-on-one, their minds doze off, and when the subject matter isn’t the most interesting topic, things