What to consider in a job offer?

The feeling is sensational. Euphoric. There’s nothing quite like it. For a few brief moments when that outstretched hand reaches towards you, you feel invincible, important, and untouchable. You’ve just been offered a new job.

Buying your first car?

No matter how much affection we develop for our high school hand-me-down car, at some point it’s time to move on. It doesn’t matter whether you a recent grad with your first real job or


“Writing an exam can be a very stressful experience for many learners, even when they were diligent in their revision,” says Dr Gillian Mooney, Teaching and Learning Manager at The Independent Institute of Education, South

What to do after graduation?

Choosing what to do with your post-graduation life can be exciting and stressful (not always an even balance of the two). Though you may feel rushed and it may seem like everyone you know is

My Reality

An African Proverb says, ‘If you wish to move mountains tomorrow; you must start by lifting stones today.’ What is your reality? Sitting and waiting for manna to fall from the sky? Or are you