How to prepare for your K53 learner’s exam

As you get ready to leave high school, one of the best feelings is being old enough to apply for a learner’s licence and, hopefully, a driver’s licence shortly afterwards. Just a few steps closer

5 Part time jobs for Students

Being able to afford taxi fare to get to class as well as getting to maybe have a nice cup of coffee with a friend once in a while is often a luxury when you

How to quit your midnight snacking habit

Whether you’re studying late for an exam or binge-watching your favourite TV show, when midnight comes around it can be tempting to dig into some snacks. But eating so late at night, especially if it’s

How to Get Through your First Breakup

One of the most paralysing things you can ever hear from someone you love are the words “I think we should start seeing other people”. Your whole world immediately comes crumbling down, heart shatters into

4 Mistakes you’re making with your money

When you’re young, it’s difficult to think about your future and the long-term. It’s all about right now. All you can think of is getting a job and starting your career. You dream of earning

First Date Tips

He’s good looking, well mannered, funny, smart and has just asked you out on a date. You over the moon about this (cause you get to spend time with your #MCM) but also just as