Start your 20s with a shopping spree

Welcome to your 20s – where you’re expected to be an adult, but you still feel like a kid. It’s a difficult decade and nobody should tell you otherwise. But if you do it right,

Unusual jobs you could consider

There are lots of jobs to choose from; the most common is the practise of law, medicine or education jobs. When you were younger you were only exposed to work that others told you about.

Life beyond your matric results

A great deal of emphasis is placed on achieving good matric results, and rightly so. You can not hope to succeed in life without hard work and sacrifice. However, it is important to remember that

Time for an African charter on academic freedom

Source: University World News The UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel was adopted by the Paris-based United Nations agency’s general conference in 1997, after a thorough process of consultation with academic

Prepping for a Job

Finding a job is not easy, especially if you are not qualified, this makes it even harder for students. The best way to start your job-hunting journey is to understand what managers and recruitment officers